Sunday, March 9, 2014

happy to be.

Today I was utterly exhausted.

In addition to staying up late, Day Light Savings Spring Forward and driving my parents to the airport at 5:30AM this morning- I am beat!

As I was "driving" in LA traffic at 5pm tonight, I had the strange feeling of being happy and sad at the same time.

Partially for all the good/bad news received lately and partially for it being Sunday and realizing all the great blessing in my life.  I stand by my thoughts: be with the ones who love you; what blessings!

Some landmarks that bring upon today's feelings:
5 weeks since we saw each other last
(art from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, i went the first week we were apart)

Ivan's on the east coast still touring..
He tours a total of 12 weeks Jan-March.  We will be apart 
8 weeks, the longest during our marriage.

Days and Days of "Us, Being Happy."
Me: Still eating well, working Mon-Fri, Happy & lucky to be 
with my family and have good friends to talk to.

Him: Still eating take-out every meal, roughly 6 shows a week, 
Gyming nightly and making good friends on tour.

We are no strangers to long distance relationships.  Believe me, it's sad.  But the last 5 weeks of being apart have gratefully lacked the feeling of desperation that normally comes with being away.

I am sad.  But grateful to know he is coming soon, lucky to have him & proud!

I also want to say, that my feelings of peace and lack of desperation, come 100% from my knowledge of one true principle: Eternal Marriage.

by an apostle of the Mormon Church, 
gives a clear explanation of what I'm saying.

The fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ brings great comfort in stressing times of mortality. It brings light where there is darkness and a calming influence where there is turmoil. It gives eternal hope where there is mortal despair. It is more than just beautiful doctrine. It is a reality in our lives that if we can be obedient and obtain the eternal rewards that God grants us, if we will draw nigh unto Him and embrace the eternal doctrine, we will be blessed.

This is why I am blessed!

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