Saturday, March 1, 2014

my job is a lot cooler than it sounds

Ten years ago I was elected as Drama Club Secretary in High School and here is a post proving that I'm basically doing the same thing now.

I have mentioned before my DREAM JOBS,
but alas, those are dreams and sometimes you just gotta work to make money and keep yourself from getting incredibly bored while you're waiting for your husband to come home and your next performing gig to arrive… (they just arrive right?)

So, for the last 6 months or so I've been temping as an Administrative Assistant,
so, a receptionist, a secretary, temporary helper or assistant, it's quite glamorous! 

I've learned a lot from these fun jobs over the past months.
First thought being, Everyone has talents, but why are so many awesome talents overlooked?
If you are at a party and one guest is good at juggling, surely he or she will be the one showing off.  But what about the guy or girl who is exceptionally talented at drawing a perfect circle or flipping pancakes?
I know I sing and dance and tell pretty good jokes, but 
I also have a ton of awesome skills that get overlooked.

For example,

I am incredibly fast at addressing envelopes. 
(I once had to address 250 packages in one day and 
the delivery man said "I've never seen hands move that fast)

I am exceptional at organizing a filing cabinet
Fast, Neat and Tidy at work and never in my own home.

I'm an excellent Housekeeper
I can clean a house or office so well, I will die before I hire
 someone else to do it for me because people, 
I've got some mad sweeping skills..

Some of the jobs I do at work may seem trivial.  
I can describe my job one of two ways.

Option One:
 I assistant the President of the company by managing the office supply levels, outgoing/ingoing client referrals and assisting in office expansion projects.

Wow, fancy..

Or, Option Two:
I color in the lines, highlight stuff, put stickers on stuff and put stuff into piles.


I think I'm guilty at both.

And, no matter how you describe it, I am really enjoying my job right now.
And if I'm having fun, I'm happy!
(and being super good at organizing pens by color and brand, makes me happy)

Love, Melissa

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