Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day 6 Years ago

6 Years ago Ivan and I had just started dating.

Starting to date someone just before Valentine's Day is a little silly because it stirs up the awkward question of what to do for the holiday-  We're only 'sorta dating' (like 5 days) should we do something romantic?  Where is this relationship even going?

But Ivan is the sweetest man ever and he bought me a pink rose and some candy-
a Hershey's candy they no longer make called "Kissables."

I actually had a really bad cold but we hung out anyways and we've been spending Valentine's together ever since.

Valentine's the next three years, we spent in Provo, Utah.
Two years ago we were at our apartment in New York having a delicious meal together, because man, can we cook!
Last year, we were on our cruise ship
I realize now how lucky we were!
What a wonderful place to spend this romantic day.
This year, Ivan is on on tour with Man of La Mancha. 
We miss each other so much!
Being the wife of an actor means doing a lot of long distance.
We seem to get in the habit of missing each other, but missing Valentine's Day is a first this year.

Being alone on Valentine's Day hasn't been that bad so far.
I made a delicious heart shaped breakfast-not heart healthy..oops
I watched reruns of Modern Family
Played with the dogs 
And drank Diet Coke and ate Dove chocolate

Sounds like the perfect day right?

I've been pretty happy today and I'm trying not be be 'sad and depressed' that I'm alone on Valentine's Day...  Even if my mother-in-law did call and say how sad she was for me.. In my opinion, I wouldn't consider it being alone.  Ivan and I have been on the phone chatting nearly all day Wednesday, Thursday and now today.  I'm going to spend the night with my friend and my sister watching movies and eating yummy food.  So I think I am most certainly not alone.  
I am surrounded by love 
and I am lucky to be in love and loved 

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

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