Sunday, March 1, 2015

How far back do I go?

So, everyone...
I have missed a lot.

I've been busy, preoccupied and well, took a break.

This year has been CRAZY!

It began with both of us, together on January 1, 2014 for 12 hours. We took the N train to Astoria, Queens and I dropped Ivan off at an airport shuttle, where he began his tour with Man of La Mancha.
I got to visit him 4 times on the tour: Austin, Phoenix, Palm Springs and Riverside, CA.

On January 21st, I left New York City and moved back to sunny California to live with my parents and sister. I worked a secretary job and soon found out Ivan and I would be back on a cruise ship.

Ivan got off tour and 5 days later, we took a 16 hour flight to Singapore. We visited Thailand, Vietnam, China, Japan, Korea, Russia and Alaska.

We came home during the summer, and after our second accidental happenings on bed bugs in New York apartments and the 90% humidity weather forecasts, I simply did not want to go back to New York until audition season, The Fall.
We moved to Las Vegas instead.  We had a few friends there, and it was only 4 hour drive from my family.  We have already made the drive 7 times: My brother got married, my sister went on a mission, etc.

Here is Las Vegas we were able to take our "adventures" a little closer: Hiking the Red Rocks, Hiking Zion's Narrows, Angel's Landing and camping around Zion and Southern California.

We both have jobs in retail and I took a job teaching teens Musical Theatre-which I have wanted to do for quite some time! Ivan is performing with a few different groups singing standards, Frankie Vallie, and he plays guitar and records all the time. Las Vegas has become our home base! I wouldn't trade what we've had and all the things we've done for ANYTHING!

While I still have quite the itinerary to catch up, I will be going out of order. Traveling is just the best thing in the world and it makes me so happy to photograph and write about it- even if it was years ago, it is nice to REMEMBER! That's what blogging, to me, is about! Even if no one reads it, I have a journal, through years now, that shares our experiences and tells the world my story!

I hope you love reading it!

Surviving Mormon Couple

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