Saturday, February 22, 2014

dear diary,

I stayed up till 1 am the other night looking at other people's lives on Facebook and i went to bed feeling sorry for myself

I also had diarreha

The next day I felt crummy but insisted on going to a musical audition to sing a cheery 60's song I over prepared for only to realize moments before my turn, a sixteen year old girl was singing the same song.  She was a homeschooled junior and I graduated with a musical theatre BFA almost three years ago.  

So here I am, parked in the driveway, feeding my inherit digestive problems with a crunch wrap supreme, crunchy taco and a Baja Blast. It's a number 4 in case you were wondering.

Also diary, I'm not feeling sorry for myself.  I'm laughing at this mixed up world & wondering why things happen the way they do.  
Why does all the nacho cheese end up on one side of the crunch wrap?  Why can't there be a little cheesey goodness in every bite? 

   Last night my mom said i was getting funnier.  I think i'm just getting lazier, sarcastic and more in touch with life. You may as well laugh at it right? Oh well, no one reads these anyway. 

Those douches gave me mild instead of hot sauces.  Life goes on.

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