Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas Came and Went

Why is it the day I spent all year looking forward to goes by faster than any day all year?! Boy, is Christmas amazing!  And Christmas in New York 2013 was no exception!  I almost didn't leave my house the entire two days!  I spent my "days off" on my feet cooking, baking and cleaning. I listened to Christmas music and watched movies and I worked and even wrapped a few last minute gifts for Mister Ivan.  Here is the run down of our Christmas...

Treats we made:
Sugar Cookies
Chocolate cookies with mint M&Ms

Treats we ate but didn't make:
Chocolate Oranges
Chocolate covered Joe-Joe's
Lindt Truffles

Savory Food:
We also had chips and dip, Apple Cider and with help from our friends we had a feast of ham, cheesy funeral potatoes, green bean casserole, stuffing, sweet yams and rolls.  We only ate as much as we could after all those sweets we dominated.  We topped it all off with some pound cake and apple crumb cheesecake.

The decorations were so beautiful and festive.  I was so grateful for the time ad means I had to get a decorated tree, table cloths, banners and a whole lot I junk food! 

Movies we Watched:
(Call us lazy, but nothing brings back Christmas memories quite like the movies)
The Holiday
The Santa Clause
It's A Wonderful Life
Home Alone 1 & 2
(I only remember sitting down and watching 2, the others were just playing for Christmas filler)

The things we did:
Christmas Cookie Delivery- this year we picked 4 families that live within walking distance to us.  
Christmas Trivia 
Small gifts for our house guests-socks or candy
Skyped with our family for hours!!!(cumulative, I must have talked with my dad and mom for 5 hours, it's fun to have FaceTime just "on" while you're getting things done and going about your day.  I was making sugar cookies in the kitchen as my dad was making fudge and toffee in his kitchen in California.  It felt like we were really together!)

Things I gave:
This year I had to spend Christmas away from a lot of family, so I got amazon Prime!  I sent books, kitchen gadgets and movies to my family and I ordered some of my husbands presents online too-with free 2-day shipping!
I gave him movies
A wool blanket
2 dress shirts from an Express sale
A tie from a Dolce and Gabanna sample sale
Vitamins, granola bars, candy and toothbrushes

Things I got:
More tights
A purse
A craft kit to make garlands
Apple TV

I was so happy on Christmas Day!
Rarely do Ivan and I get along perfectly on days when we are together the entire time- it was a Christmas miracle-perfect harmony in our home!
Things I am grateful for:
My husband
My family
My life
My friends
My Heavenly Father
My Savior
Lovely things
A beautiful world

Things I know:
Jesus Christ was born over 2,000 years ago and He is our Savior
Life is easier with the knowledge of Jesus Christ
Life is easier with dear friends and sweet family
I am lucky to be me!

Merry Christmas to Everyone! May you all find peace and joy this season, celebrating our Savior's birth!

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