Tuesday, February 26, 2013

LATELY in The Canary Islands

We just finished an 18 DAY VOYAGE from Cape Town, South Africa to The Canary Islands!! It had a total of 11 SEA DAYS and boy did we get sorta bored...

Most of the ports we stopped at on the way up were small towns that were dirty, and boring with little to offer.  We spent the last 3 days in the Canary Islands, Spain and are thrilled to begin our European To-Do List.

The Canary Islands are very south of Spain and are much closer to Africa than you’d think.  While many people are multilingual and speak English, the National language is Spanish and currency is the Euro.  From here, we will journey to Spain, and a quick stop in Turkey, Morocco and Israel before spending all spring 2013 in the Mediterranean.  Here are some fun pictures of the 3 Islands we visited. 

Grand Canaria 

Las Palmas

My breakfast date with Zuco Narajana and Hot Chocolate (basically pudding and so delicious)
We walked on cobblestone through narrow streets..how European..
A dinky Used Book store sold only 8 books in ‘Ingles,’ and one of them was The Book of Mormon! It was an old copy with pictures in it and it has 2 Elders phone#s written inside!  The Spanish shopkeeper tried to sell it to us for a couple Euro.  Little did he know that all scriptures are freely given out by Elders of the church.  Good Luck elder Leavitt and Elder Bradshaw!  (Even though you’re probably well off your missions by now!) 


We ported in the city of Santa Cruz.

He saw Mt. Teide up close.
and went to Mount Teidi National Park.

I went to the city of Puerto de la Cruz.
We got beautiful pictures of the landscape.  

Ivan also visited the Opera House. 


I stayed onboard with In-Port-Manning duties (In-Port Napping and some duties
And Ivan went on an excursion to the Fire Mountains!!  It was a camel ride tour up to a volcano! 
We will visit theses Islands and more next week!  
 Stay tuned for our Moroccan adventures.  Xo-Melissa

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