Tuesday, February 18, 2014

reasons to get up in the morning

be it a hard-working husband, squirmy baby, bouncy puppy or grumbly tummy, everyone should have some reason to get up in the morning.

tuesday morning I had none of these.

except a job.

i could be late, i guess.  I could go without shower, packed lunch or something to avoid getting out of bed on time, couldn't i?

i lay in bed thinking about my life and how bored i am without seeing my husband everyday.  i just wish i could sleep through the next six weeks until i see him again.

as i lay in bed, thinking, i thought about moving, i thought about new york, i though about my friends and i somehow thought about a certain friend and then i thought about the last thing we did together and that was make MUDDY BUDDIES. and somehow, the idea of getting out of bed to make and eat muddy buddies became the best reason i had to get out of bed and i did so with a smile on.

Thank you mini morning batch of Muddy Buddies
made by melting 1/8 cup. butter, 1/2 cup choc chips and 1/4 cup peanut butter
Adding vanilla, powdered sugar and 4 1/2 cups of Rice Chex.

and i had chocolately cereal and a diet coke for breakfast on the way to work at 9:30
and all was right with the world :)

i even saved some leftovers so i'll have a reason to get up tomorrow morning.

what i did for love.
 part ii: it's 3pm and there are RED VINES in the staff kitchen
An Angel left them there!

if your reason for getting out of bed in the morning involves powdered sugar and a kindergartener's snack, let's be friends please?

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