Monday, January 13, 2014

Whatever Happened to the Welch's?

It is long past Christmas and long past my annual viewing of  It's A Wonderful Life, yet I still have one thing that just won't stop bugging me...

Whatever happened to Mr. and Mrs.Welch?
We first meet (the voice of) Mrs. Welch on Christmas Eve during the collapse of George Bailey's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.  He returns home from work, upsets his entire family and insults a school teacher, bringing her to tears.  Not typical of most movie heros, but hey, we sympathize with him because he was never able to fulfill his dreams of traveling the world on a cattle boat, and eat coconuts in Hawaii.

The dialogue of this scene makes me laugh/cry in a the most terrible/incredible way.
(worried) Oh George, What happened? 
Everything's happened! You call this a happy 
family? Why did we have to have all these kids? 
Daddy, how do you spell "frankincense"?
shouts) I don't know how you--! Why don't you ask your mother?!

Oh, thank you, Mrs. Welch. I'm sure she'll be all right. The 
doctor says that she ought to be out of bed in time to have her 
Christmas dinner.

Is that Zuzu's teacher?

MARY (hand over receiver)

Let me speak to her.

He snatches the phone from Mary.

GEORGE (cont'd)
(on phone)
Hello. Hello, Mrs. Welch? This is George Bailey. I'm Zuzu's 
father. Say, what kind of a teacher are you anyway? What do you 
mean sending her home like that, half-naked? Do you realize she'll 
probably end up with pneumonia on account of you?

MARY (shocked)

She puts a restraining hand on his arm. He shakes it off. She 
cannot know that George's tirade against Mrs. Welch is really a 
tirade against the world,
against life itself, against God. Over the phone we hear Mrs. 
Welch's voice sputtering with protest.

Is this the sort of thing we pay taxes for –– to have teachers 
like you? Silly, stupid, careless people who send our kids home 
without any clothes on?
You know, maybe my kids aren't the best-dressed kids; maybe they 
don't have any decent clothes . . .
The telephone is suddenly alive with a powerful male voice calling

Now, who do you think you are?

Hello? Who is this? Oh, Mr. Welch? Okay, that's fine, 
Mr. Welch. Gives me a chance to tell you what I really think of 
your wife. 
George . . .

GEORGE (raving at her)
Will you get out and let me handle this?
(into phone –– shouting)
Hello? Hello? What? Oh, you will, huh? Okay, Mr. Welch, any time 
you think you're man enough . . . Hello? Any . . .
The phone hangs up.  [SOUND: SLAMS PHONE DOWN] 
Daddy, how do you spell "Hallelujah"?

GEORGE (shouts)
How should I know? What do you think I am, a dictionary? 
Tommy, stop that! Stop it!
(screams) Janie, will you stop playing that lousy piano?! Stop it!
Piano stops. Janie starts crying.
Later on, George goes to his friend's bar, and likely the only bar in Bedford Falls, Martini's.  Mr. Welch happens to sit next to him, realizes who George is and seeks revenge by punching George in the mouth.
"And the next time you talk to my wife like that you'll get worse. 
She cried for an hour. It isn't enough she slaves teaching your 
stupid kids how
to read and write, and you have to bawl her out . . ."

He gets kicked out of Martini's with force and Martini vows to never let him in the bar again.

"He don't come in to my place no more."
So in a matter of hours, George Bailey ruins a couple's Christmas, making the wife bawl for an hour and reconsider her career choice and preventing the husband from ever entering the town's coolest and most-likely only bar.  Is that something a "hero" would do?  Come on George Bailey, we can do better than that!

I love the stage direction written in the screenplay: She cannot know that George's tirade against Mrs. Welch is really a tirade against the world, against life itself, against God.

But Mr. and Mrs. Welch didn't know that! They were just yelled at and publicly humiliated! How unfair!

But lucky George gets a Christmas Miracle, witnessing "what the world would be like without him."
He learns his lesson, makes up with his family, saves his job and Clarence gets his wings.
What a win for the Bailey family right?

But what is going to happen on ZuZu's Back-to-School night?
I didn't hear any apology George Bailey.  If someone yelled at me on Christmas Eve, and I had control over their daughter's grade?

Looks like little ZuZu is gettin' an F, Mr. B. Sorry, not sorry.

 For a movie that's all about family, friends and second chances- Don't you think we'd get a little closure on that INSANE YELLING from the supposed "Most Loved Guy in Town"? Maybe a little apology?

Maybe a teacher who let a little girl go outside with her coat unbuttoned doesn't deserve an apology.
Maybe no one cares about the Welch's because Jimmy Stewart is so good-looking.
Maybe after the holidays, Mary scheduled a Parent-Teacher conference for just George and Mrs.Welch.  It seems like something Mary would do - Sweet, Loving, a little micro-managing but mainly sweet and loving.

Maybe the next night, Mr. and Mrs. Welch stood at the bridge and considered taking their own lives but an angel came down from heaven and showed them what the world would be like without them.
(It's A Wonderful Life II possibly...)

Anyway, I will apologize to Mrs. Welch on Mr. Bailey's behalf.  I didn't forget you! And give him a break, what do think he is, a dictionary?

Thank you Frank Capra II for making such a beautiful movie 

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