Monday, April 29, 2013

The Acropolis

We ported in Piraeus for just two days, so Ivan and I had to go see the Acropolis quickly!   And I needed to get that picture of us with the Parthenon.  Which, just for spoilers, looks great, don’t ya think?

We walked about 30 minutes away from the port into the chaotic city of Piraeus to the train station and we were on the train for about 20 minutes.  The train ride was cheap too and we could buy a round trip ticket for about 2 Euros.  We got off the train and walked up a hill to a gate and then did more walking-which is really more like hiking- so if you go WEAR TENNIS SHOES- and once we paid for our ticket to the sites -12 Euro each, but we got 9 Euro each for being “students” (shhh) it was another 15 minute walk to some seriously beautiful views:

It was very crowded up there with school groups and tourists and I think it will constantly be unconstruction.  So, while our “perfect Parthenon picture” looks idlyic, here are some pictures of the crowds and scaffolding.

Our trip was rushed because we had to work later and we wanted to make sure and not get stuck on a train, but we got some great shots and posed next to all the temples and statues. 

Athens is really an amazing place, GO GREECE!!

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