Monday, April 29, 2013

Greek Isles

 Agios Nikolaos

On the island of Crete
Amazing food, perfect weather, great shopping for herbs, oils, soaps, olive oil products

Agios Nikolas was pretty funky.  Here are some things I liked about it:

They're not prude about wear they hang their undies!

Monkeys have a say in the community!

Cats Beg under the table (okay, not a "like" but this cat has got the sad eyes DOWN!)

Plus, it's pretty freakin' beautiful!


Ditto to Agios Nikolaos, but a bit more expensive.   Because it is its own island, everything had an upsell of about 20% just to be shipped there, but shopping is still great. 

 It is my lucky day to (go inside) a Greek Orthodox Church!
(I LOVE my Big Fat Greek Wedding)

The white houses are beautiful and they line the coasts beautifully with their blue doors.  Other doors are turquoise or brick red. 

I think I may have found my future home.. 

i hope i come back soon...xox

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