Monday, April 29, 2013

What was Keeping Me...

 So things were getting a little crazy.. I knew I was a little behind at bogging and (heaven forbid) my last entry was pictureless, so I sincerely apologize for causing a delay.  
I am still traveling and have been doing a lot more adventuring and less writing.  One thing I was able to keep up with is reading and I want to take a minute to tell you of my testimony and love for this book: The Book of Mormon.  Ivan and I set a challenge to read the book of Alma during the month of April, it would take us all month long, but I had a system.  My brother, who is serving a mission right now, actually read the book of Alma in 4 days!  I took a little more time, but still it was a challenge.  There are 63 chapters and 162 pages.  So I read (about) two chapters each day.  Taking time out my day to read for about 15 minutes has really helped me keep my sanity while living on a cruise ship.  I am approaching the end of my contract (a little over two months) and I want to soak up all the adventure I can, but I also want to finish the Book of Mormon and I am so happy it's always there for me so I can feel peace at the end of my day.  I love being Mormon and I love this book!

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