Monday, April 29, 2013

Alexandria, Egypt – I can’t believe I’m in such amazing places.

Looking back, (even though it’s only one month) Alexandria was an amazing place to visit because we saw 1. The Pyramids 2. The Alexandria Library and 3. The Catacombs and other ruins
BUT, honestly, The city of Alexandria is a dump.  You have to travel out of the city to see anything worthwhile.  So we did!  Ivan and I woke up early and each escorted a tour!

See, morning people!! (yeah right...)

The Pyramids


Ivan had an amazing day!
Of course he got those “perfect pictures” but here is a more realistic view showing the crowds.  Also, in Egypt, the concessioners are REALLY, really aggressive.   Like, if you ask them to take a picture with your camera, they make you pay to give it back... this guy took Ivan's hat and switched it with his and followed Ivan around asking him to give him money, but Ivan's pretty get at telling em to scram, hah!
So, free picture!

 The Alexandria Library

 The biggest closed reading area in the WORLD!!  Truly amazing and there was actually great technology with improvements everyday.  The old Library is "underwater" but they have artifacts on display.  

The Catacombs and Roman Ruins

I couldn’t take any pictures of the Catacombs L  But I visited Pompaii’s pillar 

and here I am by a Roman ampitheatre.  

bye bye Egypt!

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