Saturday, July 13, 2013

Ibiza Island

Here is the picture journey of my morning excursion in Spain.  I pretty much love my job at this point!

 So there are thousands of islands in the Med.  The Balearic Islands of Spain include Ibiza (or Eivissa) island.  Ibiza is known for being a “party island” and having the best nightlife of the Mediterranean.  Alex Dunfey is correct, it is pronounced “Ibitha.”  There is great shopping and walking and restaurants and fabulous beaches here! 

On my excursion, we took a bus from the port to the city of Santa Eularia: a smaller, less touristy part of the island .  It was home to a beautiful family beach and it was perfect beach weather.  But instead of going for a swim, our tour was scheduled to visit the Atzaro Resort.    The pictures show how glorious this place was.   When you picture a relaxing vacation, this is pretty much it, (unless you’re into Hawaii, cuz that’s awesome too!) 

Here is “The Catwalk.”  They have fashion shows here EVERY FRIDAY!! 
The Buddha Bar/Lounge 
“Look, I saw a frog!” – said the kid in me.
And of course, we had an amazing meal!!  I wish could tell you how much it all cost, but it was actually free for me-yay work perks!!  Our family style appetizers were olives, pita and hummus and two kinds of fresh baked bread-still warm! 

Our salad

Can you see all the STUFF in this salad?  STUFF that you wouldn’t even think would go together.  I gathered: lima beans, lentils, shrimp, strawberries, mushrooms, radish and lettuce.  Soo yummy.  It would have been big enough for a normal sized lunch, but this is vacation and Spain we’re talking about here, so you have to eat enough to force you into Siesta, right? 

Cooked tomatoes make everything better

Okay, what the heck is this right?  But let me tell you, it was already two weeks ago and my mouth is watering from craving this dessert again.  Served in a beautiful martini glass, the bottom is full of crushed cookie crumbs and peanuts, topped with a large scoop of lemon sorbet, then topped with an over-generous swirl or marzcipone/riccotta whipped cream with chopped mint.  Like when you tasted the whipped cream a lone it was almost two cheesy and then you got shot with a mouthful of mint aftertaste.  BUT, when you all three layers together, this dessert was out of the park!  
lovin in!-Missy

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