Friday, May 10, 2013

Venice- are you kidding ME????

I think Venice is now one of my favorite places in the entire world!  Everything about it was so romantic, so peaceful, beautiful, delicious and so ITALY!!!  I was so impressed with the canals, bridges, marble streets, piazzas, everything, i want to live here SOOO badly!  But 8 days throughout my work on this cruise ship will suffice for now!

The Venetian Lion with wings and a book in his arms is the symbol of the Venetian Society.  When the book is open, that means it was a prosperous time, when the book is closed, it was a time of hardship and/or war.
We stereotypically bought masks and took a picture of us in St. Mark's Basilica.
 Here is a close up of the arch on the Basilica.

Gondola Rides and Food

Of course things are expensive in Venice, but how can you be there and not take a ride on the Grand Canal and eat your brains out!  Rides are (surprisingly) 80 EURO per Gondola by day and 100 EURO by night, but we talked him into an 80 dollar ride at 10:00.  We seemed to be the only ones on the water and it was truly amazing and very romantic.  
Normally I am a very frugal person but I am so glad I did it!

Spagetti with Garlic, Olive oil and Peppers 
and Spagetti with Bolognese Sauce 

Gelato- my third cone of the day!

xoxo-Having the time of my life!!!

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