Friday, May 10, 2013

Dubrovnik, Croatia- SEAKAYAKING

This is Dubrovnik, Croatia!
A city with a fortress around the city, on the beautiful Adriatic Sea!

We grabbed our kayaks in Old Town and in an about an hour, we reached this cave!

We each went for a climb and jumped off!!

 I am soo scared of heights, but climbing up was definitely the scariest part.   Ivan just figured it out himself and went quickly, he was scared to jump, but did it while I was still dilly-dallying at the bottom of the cliff.  I asked one of the kayaking guides to go ahead of me and tell me where to step/grab and I felt A LOT safer.  Then I got up and Ivan counted down and on 3 I just went- glad to be going down straight into water instead of possibly falling down the back of the cliff (phew! it was over)

I am so glad that I did it though.  I was the only girl and some of the guys in our group didn't even do it!- so I felt super brave!!  Ivan is such a great partner to have on the back of your double kayak cuz he's really strong.  Today my shoulder blades and back hurt really badly.  We are in Montenegro today and there is a beautiful hike but I think I just need a nap.  I've always been a sucker for wearing myself thin and taking every opportunity so I won't miss out on anything- tough life? Nah!

The Dalmatian Coast is TRULY amazing and I recommend Slovenia, Montenegro and Croatia to anyone!  More adventures coming this way!!

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