Friday, April 12, 2013

Pompaii vs. Ephesus

Ancient City of Pompaii

Location: About 20 minute drive from Naples, Italy, or 1 hour drive from Sorrento, Italy
2nd most popular Archeological Site in the World
Originally a city in 74 B.C. and covered in a volcano- Mt. Vesuves and recovered and restored in the 20th Century. 

An archway with Mt. Vesuvius in the background

I was impressed with how large the city was and some of the detailed left behind still!  You could still see the numbers (addresses) on the buildings and homes.  Many things weren’t restored as well as they could be.  In fact, one of the only things that had undergone “complete” restoration was a brothel house.  And the Romans did not hold back any picturesque frescos.  One thing I keep learning at these sites is: Whatever the Romans did, the Greeks did first. 
In such case, I am very proud to be 1/16th Greek. 

Ancient Ruins of Ephesus

Location: Kusadasi, Turkey 
I visited it second and was so glad because these ruins put Pompaii to shame! 
Much of the restoration was done by grants from other countries.  St. John’s Basillica was restored by a grant from a man in Lima, Ohio and the Mansions- Terrace Houses, were made into a museum and Archeological workplace by Austria. If you like jigsaw puzzles, this is the job to have! 

The ancient Library

The old Amphitheatre

Results:  The Ephesus in Kusadasi was really amazing!  The columns and pillars were elegant and the terrace houses- with 16 bedrooms each and giant gardens and dining rooms, made me want to go back in time!  Believe me, more in Turkey will surprise you! 

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