Monday, April 29, 2013

ISTANBUL- more mosques? right this way!

Me outside the Hagia Sophia

ivan inside the Hagia Sophia

Ivan outside the Blue Mosque

 Me, inside the Blue Mosque

 The tulips were in full bloom

The walls were still there! (this is the Hagia Sophia)

We did things kind of opposite in Istanbul.  Day 1, I had to work and stay on the ship, so Ivan went inside the Hagia Sophia.  It cost about 9 Euro and the line was huge, but worth it!  Day 2, Ivan had to stay onboard, so I went inside the Blue Mosque.  It was free and the line was about half the size, i got the good side of the deal.  There is SO MUCH to see in this place, but we really only made it this far.
I wish we could have seen more, but a short and sweet trip to one of the most beautiful and old buildings in the world, made it worth it!

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