Monday, April 29, 2013

Rhodes and Lindos, Greece

Rhodes is an old, Medieval town with a beautiful castle to visit! 

Our guide told us the story of this floor mosaic:  Zeus was in love with a mortal and transformed himself into (basically this flying monster thingy) and came into the woman’s bedroom at night.  She was intrigued and climbed on top of him at which he flew away to carry her home to the Heavens.  But, the girl panicked and jumped off and she fell into the water.  In Zeus’ mourning, he transformed the woman into a body of land and named her Europe. (cue: aha!)

And now for our trip to LINDOS
A teeny town with a gorgeous acropolis overlooking the (turquoise) ocean!
 And now for the hiking portion of my journey..

 I made it!!
So did, Ivan!!

Both towns were so peaceful, right on the beach and very clean
 (I don’t take cleanliness for granted anymore.)
are you kidding me with this water?  Too bad I was too high up on a cliff, or I may have jumped in..

I love Greece-xoxM

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