Monday, April 29, 2013

Israel Day 1- Jerusalem

We actually got to the Holy Land!  I didn’t even know our ship was planning on coming here until about a month before and I was so excited.  We got a great family photo:

The Wailing Wall
Room of the Last Supper
King David’s Tomb

Ivan visiting the actual tomb (yamica-ed men only, really i couldn't see it...)  It was interesting that many of the old worship sites were separated male/female, like the sections of the Wailing Wall:  The women's side was half the size but twice as crowded.
Ivan with King David’s statue
Garden of Gethsemene
Rock, supposedly where Judas kissed and betrayed Christ
Rock, supposedly where atonement took place
Stone, supposedly on the original tomb of Christ
Stone, supposedly where Mary and other’s clothed Jesus before they laid Him in the tomb
Going through downtown ”Old Jerusem,” we followed out guide to about 14 “points” where I lost track, but important things happened at each place, or in the early Ads, one of the saints claimed to have found something that Jesus used or touched, etc.  It became a little “he said/she said” and the crowded, chaotic streets took me out of the Holiness, honestly. 
A picture's worth a 1,000 words so I'm glad I took a lot :)  
I'm priviledged I got to see these sights and walk where Jesus walked.  So much has changed over 2,000 years!  I even found a statue of Joseph Smith made of Olive wood!

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